Downtown Houston Theft Crimes Lawyer
Comprehensive Defense for Burglary, Robbery, & Theft Charges
Chapter 31 of Title 7 of the Texas Penal Code states that "theft" as defined in section 3 of the same chapter:
"Constitutes a single offense superseding the separate offenses previously known as theft, theft by false pretext, conversion by a bailee, theft from the person, shoplifting, acquisition of property by threat, swindling, swindling by worthless check, embezzlement, extortion, receiving or concealing embezzled property, and receiving or concealing stolen property."
This is a very important piece of the law, as it separates a number of seemingly similar offenses into distinct legal categories and labels, which creates various and more accurate definitions and punishments for each crime. However, put more loosely, theft is defined as appropriating or taking property or services from another without consent of theirs, and with intent to deprive the other of their property, in other words intentionally "receiving" a product, property, or service and knowingly and willingly not paying for it.
Regardless of what kind of theft crimes may be pending against you, securing a qualified Downtown Houston criminal defense lawyer as soon as possible is essential. You need to get adequate representation to ensure your chances of securing a favorable outcome in your trial.

Why All This Legal Language Here for You?
Two more legal phrases come to mind: Intent and proof Beyond A Reasonable Doubt, which is the legal standard that needs to be met before a person can be found guilty and convicted of any crime. A smart, calculating, and caring attorney with an up to date knowledge of the criminal justice system and the criminal justice statutes in the state of Texas can help the defendants accused of theft in Downtown Houston or Harris County courts to ensure the evidence against them is legally obtained and that it meets the required standards. And these are just some of the technicalities that a criminal defense attorney like Alex Houthuijzen can utilize in defense of those wrongly accused of theft, burglary, or other similar crimes.
Arrange for a free case evaluation with our Downtown Houston lawyer at Alex the Defender by contacting us online or by phone at (713) 999-3655. Hablamos español.
Contact Alex the Defender Today
If you or, a loved one, or a friend have been accused of theft crimes in Downtown Houston, Texas, it is in your best interest to immediately contact a Harris County defense attorney like Alex, and receive a FREE case review to see if you have any legitimate defenses considering the circumstances of the case. And as always remember, anything you ever say to law enforcement, the DA team, or any agents of the court can end up literally being used against you.